“For more than a decade, I have documented the relationship between light and the darkness, hope and despair.

It has been the greatest inspiration and privilege to witness the resolve of humanity at its lowest ebb. I am eternally grateful to my incredible subjects, for showing me how lightly we must tread on this earth”.

— Paddy

Paddy Dowling is a Globally Renowned Portrait and Documentary Photographer. He has covered humanitarian crisis from over 80 countries across the world. His assignments for the International Press tell Stories about People.

His Work is Focussed on; the Effects of Climate Change, Indigenous and Tribal Minorities, Human Collateral in Conflict Including the Challenges to Protect Children, and the heritage of the worlds most prestigious brands.

New York - UN Secretariat Buidling, Children and Armed Conflict 2022

New York - Photoville Photography festival, Brooklyn Bridge 2022

Doha - Qatar Foundation UN CAAC 2022

Geneva - UN Palais de Nations 2019, 2020, 2023

St.Petersburg - SPIEF Expo 2021

Brussels - Bozar 2024

Brussels - European External Action Service, 2024